Department of Procurement and Logistics Management

    • Fundamental of E-procurement
    • Application of E-procurement Software using Proc.Net
    • E-procurement performance and auditing
    • Automated Logistics Management
    • Application of Legal Concepts in E-procurement and E-logistics etc.Procurement, Logistics and Transport Department is housed in the Faculty of Economics,Energy and Management Science. The department emerged from marketing and it houses three programmes these include;
      • Bachelor of Procurement and Supply Chain Management
      • Bachelor of Transport and Logistics Management
      • Master of Science in Procurement and Supply Chain Management

      The department intends to design new programmes such as Master in Transport and Logistics Management

      The department in partnership with Planet System has designed the following short certificate courses;

      Mandate of the department

    • The department focuses on the basic science education, career options and how to meet the dynamic needs of the society, government agencies and private organization both nationally and internationally
    • The department aim at producing university students with knowledge and skills in management of transport, logistics and procurement operations.
    • To create jobs of procurement officers, logisticians and transport engineers who can efficiently find the most efficient and sustainable operations in areas of procurement, transport and logistics management.


    To be the benchmark and the leading department for scientific innovation and education for the development of sustainable efficient procurement, logistics, supply chain and transport operations in Africa and beyond


    To support fundamental research and education that develops scientific knowledge in transport innovations, procurement, logistics and supply chain management to overcome sustainable logistical transport and procurement problems both national and internationally


    • Sustainable transport, logistic and procurement operation efficiency and customer focus
    • Team work, accountability, integrity and professionalism
    • A transport logistic and procurement research based department


    A globally competent trainer in transport engineering, logistics, supply chain and procurement science education.